Wedding Ideas

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Do you want to know the worst feeling ever..or at least one of the worst feelings of mine that i hate. 
feeling UNEASY. feeling like there is something in your mind that isn't quite resolved or something that just makes you "uneasy" 

Or here's a question. Why do we become so insecure? Or why do we take texts the wrong way sometimes?
for example: if i were to text someone "hey" and they were to text me "hi", to me that would make me feel like they don't want to talk to me. Is it just me? 
Like this world is crazy now with how we connect with each other. Half the time we connect through text messaging or Facebook. Its like a way to say what we really wanna say if there's an issue without having the guts to pick up the phone or say what the issue is in person.

Another feeling that bothers me a lot is FRUSTRATION, when you are just so frustrated with the person or the situation and you just feel so frustrated until your mind forgets about it or it gets resolved. whatever "it" may be. 

Sometimes feelings just boggle my mind. there are soooo many different types of feelings that we FEEL everyday. Its actually very intense. Sometimes we have feelings that we wish we didn't have to explore, and sometimes we have feelings that we love to experience.

No wonder we have a bed time. by the time 11pm comes around our bodies are so zonked from us throwing out these feelings everywhere, whether they are good or bad. 

What am I feeling right now? Exhaustion and happiness

Had an amazing night tonight with some friends and my boyfriend. Which by the way I love him more and more everyday.
That's one feeling I can never get sick of or exhausted from, LOVE

That is all, Goodnight:)

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