Okay so. As i am watcvhing the baby sitters club (ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF MY CHILDHOOD) It made me think of all the memories I have with my sister.
So here you have it a little sisterly mashup.
1) Babysitters club. We watched it every day twice a day in my grandparents bed. we were obsessed.
2) When me and Amanda went with my mom to the grocery store, me and Amanda would ask my mom what was next on the list and we would race to see who could find it the fastest. (It was always a competition between me and my sister. ALWAYS)
3) In grade 3 I believe (this is gonna get embarrassing) My mom took me for a haircut and decided to give me a mushroom cut... yes that's right.. My hair was way above my ears and the back of my hair was like shaved. ANYWAY. When I went to school, all of my sisters guy friends were making fun of me, and my sister came to the rescue at recess time.
4) In grade 6 I did a speech about my sister and made it to the finals of my class, but then Dan Z. beat me.
5) This isn't a very good memory its embarrassing for me once again. But Amanda used to tickle me until I peed my pants. (More than once)
6) This girl was really mean to me in SK and so my sister decided to call her house and leave an awful message on her answer machine and her mom listened to it and the next day at school the principle took me out of my classroom.
7) When I got made fun of hardcore in junior high my sister was always there protecting me.
8) When my sister was in grade 8 she had a dance party in our basement with all her friends and boys were allowed to come over. I was sent to a friends house so i wouldn't be a "pest" But when I came home I stood outside and looked through the downstairs window and watched my sister with this boy slow dancing when the music wasn't even playing and they kissed and then I started making noises and most likely ruined her night:)
9) In our house in Dryden we had a concrete wall in our basement where we would use chalk and write a whole bunch of stuff on the wall and then when our friends came over we would get them to write their names on it. But then when we moved out, Apparently when people were looking at our house the chalk wall was an issue. oooops. kids will be kids.
10) Me and my sister would make dances up with the songs by the Spice Girls:)
11) When my friend passed away, My sister hugged me until I stopped crying.
12) My cousins had this wooden tree house in the back yard and we were all playing on it and Amanda fell off the tree and landed on the wooden sand box....
13) At camp we were quading and Amanda was on her dirt bike and Sean took us through this huuuuuge mud puddle and Amanda wiped out and got her new white shorts filthy. (or white shirt i cant remember)
the list can go on and on.