This past weekend I celebrated my champagne Birthday on April 22nd.
My sister and best friend also planned a surprise Birthday for me the following day.
I was very surprised and I still can't get over that my sister or Jessica didn't spill the beans. Now I know why every time I brought up my Birthday to either one of them they would either change the subject or not even respond to me at all. My sister's nostrals would flare every time I Brought it up so I had a feeling something was going on, but I just thought she got me a really cool gift or a cake or something.(Which by the way she did)
So The original plan was I had reservations for dinner and then we were all gonna come over to my house for festivities afterwards. BUT THEN Jessica's car broke down. I of course was annoyed because I was already on the other side of town where the restaurant was and I didn't wanna go get Jessica when it was the total opposite direction, and then I would have been late for dinner.
So My friend Paula lives really close to Jessica so I asked if she could pick Jess up. Paula told me she was gonna be late for dinner. HOW ANNOYING RIGHT?!?! Like thanks for letting me know Paula.
So Then Me Vanessa and Evan all get in the car and I basically vent how I am really frustrated that I was going to be late and how Amanda was gonna be waiting for me at the restaurant by herself.
I have now arrived to Jessica's and I call her and tell her to hurry up and come outside. Jessica isn't ready. She tells me to please come inside. At this point I am super upset because Im already late for dinner and now I have to wait for Jessica to finish getting ready.
I go in her house, Go down stairs in the dark and then everyone yellled
SURPRISE!!!!! and there I see all my family and friends!!
I was so happy and I couldn't stop shaking and I even shed some tears ! It was an awesome feeling and an amazing night:)
Here are some pictures that my sista took!:)
The table full of food and friends:):)
Me and My Sister:)
Me and Jessica. Doing our signature laughing picture
Me with the Two Planners:)
Remember that silk screen that I blogged about last week that I didn't get. Well I got it!:)
Here is my Cake! It's New York Themed!!! Made by: Made.With.Luv
Blowing out the candles!
Me trying to open up my champagne. I needed help. Evan got the cork out for me:)
My Birthday was a huge success and I am so grateful for everyone who made my day so special!! Thank you so much!
I will post more pictures up eventually:):)
That is all, Good day!